EOI Construction

Supplier EOI Construction for the WA pCAM Hub

The survey will take approximately 6 minutes to complete.

This form is for potential suppliers to submit expressions of interest to Pure Battery Technologies (WA) Pty Ltd (ABN 23 659 392 195) for the supply of the Goods and Services for the Project listed.

13. Are you able to supply TRIFR ( Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate) of your company during the last 3 years?

14. Are you be able to supply your annual company turnover for the last 3 Financial Years (AUD)?

15. Is your company or subsidiaries listed in the World Bank Debarred firms list?

16. Do you have any current litigations?

17. Are you be able to provide evidence of liquidity (e.g. liquidity check)

18. Please select the applicable goods and services

20. Are you be able to provide the relevant insurances required to supply chosen Goods and Services. (e.g. Public Liability, indemnity, any State Specific requirements)

21. Have you completed a minimum of 3 equivalent project or have 10 years industry experience? (e.g. Oxygen Plant for mineral processing or other industrial purpose)

PBT is partnering across the supply chain.

Ask us how.

Australian Head Office:

Level 32, 10 Eagle Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4000 Australia

+61 73051 0643


European Head Office:
Königswarter und Ebell Chemische Fabrik

GmbH   Im Ennepetal 19-21 58135 Hagen ​ Germany


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